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!"#$%&'()* ,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv_xyz[\]^�`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~�����root entry�������� �f�q��o��summaryinformation(����8documentsummaryinformation8������������ worddocument������������8f����
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������oh�� '��0����0<p\h� ��
t�y�fu�r�틙q\o ��z�nx�05440�t�� ��_o�(u7bnormalsl8@yoۏl�fu�r;m�rsbno�}y�w@x0
,{�n�r �8h�q�[n�8h�vh
,{nuscq �n�~�t�p
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ����n�~��]�t�n�n2 ����p�s�v�^�p
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��n�~��]n�n�n�!k͑�p �
excuse me, are you/is your name & ?
hello, i m/my name s & .
this is/i d like to introduce & .
do you know/have you met& .
he/she is from& .
he/she works in& .
�^(u�1) introduce yourself and others.
2) identify yourself and others.
3) ask and say where people are from.
��n ��pn�v�^ �n,� �
1 �a. how are you?
b. fine, thanks./not too bad, thank you.
2 �a. nice to see you./nice to talk to you.
b. nice to see you too/ it was nice talking to you, too.
�^(u�greet others.
,{�nuscq l�n
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 �����b�~�q*n�n�oo`��y
t�l�ni{ ��2 ��c5u�tsb5u (3) ��u_5ui{pew[�oo`
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n �,t�t�l�n�vsq�oo` �͑�p �
ƌ���1 �h�:yl�n�v͋gl��y�
professional and technical: lawyer&
administrative: executive&
clerical and office: receptionist&
2 �5u�sxi{pew[�v���l��y�
320 112 three two oh double one two / three two zero one one two
�^(u�1 �ask for and give personal and job-related information.
2) answer/get through on the phone and say telephone numbers.
��n ���bl�c�o/͑
t�b�q�e_�n,� �
ƌ��� h����l��y�
can you spell that, please?/how do you spell that?
can you repeat that, please?/can you say that again, please?
�^(u�say letters and spell.
,{ nuscq lq�s
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ��c��lq�s�`�q�2 ����
nt{|�w�vl�n�3 �~bt\oo4o
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ���/�c�olq�s�oo`�lq�s
t�;`��@b(w�vn�w^�rlq�s�vpeϑ�t�s�n�t�͑�p �
ƌ���1 ���lq�s�oo`�v�e_��y�
who do you work for?
is that an american company?
where are the headquarters?
do you have branches in europe?
2) 'y2m0�v
ti{n g
t͋��y�europe& ; america& ; seattle&
�^(u�ask for and give information on companies and products.
��n ����
nt{|�w�vl�n �!k͑�p �
ƌ���1 ��c��l�n�vh����l��y�
dentsu (lq�sbon
t) is in advertising/the advertising business.(l�n)
t) makes/manufactures motor vehicles.(�n�t)
2 ��c�l�n�oo`�vh����l��y�
does& (lq�sbon
t)make/manufacture& (�n�t)?
do & and & ($n*nby*nlq�sbon
t)make/manufacture& (�n�t)?
what does & (lq�sbon
t) make/manufacture& (�n�t)?
what do & and & ($n*nby*nlq�sbon
t) make/manufacture& (�n�t)?
3 �l�nb�n�t�vsq�v͋gl��y�
electronics, motor vehicles, financial services, chemicals, telecommunications, aerospace, airline, energy, engineering, travel and tourism, banking, insurance, advertising, catering, food, soft drinks, office equipment, computer&
�^(u�1) talk about types of business and products.
2) read company ads or mails to decide which company would be a good partner.
3) write a letter to some company about your company. don t forget the reader s address, your address and the date.
,{�vuscq �]\o0w�p
f[`n,guscq���blf[u�1 �c�et�2 �������3 ���n�oo`
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��⋌tcf�et �͑�p �
ƌ���1 ��et�vh����l��y�
excuse me, where s the conference room?
excuse me, i m looking for the purchasing manager s office.
2) cf�et�vh����l��y�
go up to the second floor and turn right.
the canteen is the second door on the left.
it s opposite/next to the photocopying room.
& &
3) h�:y�emo�t�蕄v͋gl��y�go down, research and development, sales, after-sales, reception, dispatch, purchasing, accounts, production, canteen�personnel, marketing&
�^(u�ask for or give directions.
������!k͑�p �
�^(u�talk about departments.
� n ���u_�oo`�n,� �
ƌ���1 ���bl�t�g�n��vh����l��y�
can you put me through to ms taylor, please?
could i speak to ms taylor, please?
2) jtɋ�g�n
i m afraid/sorry she s not here at the moment. can i take a message?
i m afraid/sorry he s busy at the moment. can i take a message?
can you ask her/him to call me back?
�^(u�give and take telephone messages.
f[`n,g�����blf[u�1 �
y`n�t�]�vmr4uscq��@b(u�vh����l�2 �
y`n�]�v�vsq͋gl�3 �
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��vuscq�vsq��8^(uh����l�t͋gl
��n ��vsq������t,t�rt�
� n ���l�pew[h�����emo�n͋(u�l
,{mquscq �e8^�]\o
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ����*n�n�]\o�2 ��c��8^ĉ�]\o�3 ��c���]\o�vsq�v�u}y
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��t�c�o�e8^�]\o�oo`�;m�r0�e��0�s�x�͑�p �
ƌ���1) ���]\o�e���vh�����y� what time do you start work? when do you finish work?
when s the lunch break? do you work on saturdays?
do you have other breaks? when do you take your holidays?
2) t�et�n�n�~�]\o�e���v�o�n��y�
�_4y �welcome to our company. let me tell you about our routine:
we start work at&
��~>\ �if you have any further questions, please contact me.
yours sincerely
3 ��c���e8^�]\o�v͋gl�sh�����y�
meet customers, go on trips; entertain visitors, write reports, use english; work late, make phone calls (in english), work with a computer, work on my own&
i go on trips once/twice/three times a day/week/month/year.
�^(u�1) ask for and give information on working routines.
2) write a short letter to sb to describe the working routine.
3)write a short passage about a typical day in your life.
��n � �[�]\o�s�xi{�v�u}y�!k͑�p �
i like/enjoy talking to people/going to conferences.
i don t mind working shifts.
i don t like/hate going to meetings/writing reports.
�^(u�express likes and dislikes.
� n ��r͋ -ingb__zp�[��n,� �
ƌ���enjoy, mind, hatei{ -ingb__zp�[�
,{nuscq �]\o�s�x
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ���bl�t�v�^��bl�2 ������]\o�s�r�3 ��c�o�^��
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��c�q��bl�t\o�q�v�^ �͑�p �
could/would you make me a copy of this report?
yes, sure. /of course./no problem./ok./i d rather not./i m rather busy.
�^(u�make and respond to requests
��n ����#��n0�s�rv^�~�q�^���!k͑�p �
ƌ���1 �h�:y#��n�tin�r�vh����l��y�
an engineer has to/must/doesn t have to/needn t do overtime/work long hours/ travel a lot/make decisions/meet deadlines/prepare reports/go to conferences& .
2) �~�q�^���vh����l��y�
stop smoking./ don t smoke.
why don t you go on holiday?/ you shouldn t work so hard. /you should relax.
�^(u�talk about obligation,stress and give advice.
( n) ��l��``�r͋�v(u�l �n,� �
ƌ��v^t��could, wouldi{�``�r͋�v(u�l
,{kquscq ��r
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ������[�c�2 �\o�q�[�c�3 ���r�el�
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n �0������r�t\o�q�[�c�͑�p �
ƌ���1 ������[�c�vh����l��y�
i m leaving on sunday night.
he s meeting me at the airport on monday afternoon.
we re inspecting the factory in the morning.
2) fu�[�c�vh����l��y�
i d like to arrange a meeting.
are you free on tuesday?/does tuesday suit you?
i m afraid i m visiting the factory/i have to visit the factory in the morning.
what/how about the afternoon?
3) �vsqfu�r;m�r͋gl��y�
attend the trade fair, have a dinner with, meet new agent; fly to& ; stay &
�^(u�1) make plans and arrangements.
2) plan a trip(write an itinerary, or a letter to sb) based on documents like letters, memos or phone call.
,{]nuscq ��t�el�
f[`n,guscq���blf[u�1 �~b�e���2 ��teg�����3 ��s�rǐ�vfu�r;m�r
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n �~b0rt��e�� �͑�p �
ƌ���1) ���e���oo`�vh����l��y�
what are the business facilities like?
what s the service like?
is there a shopping centre in the hotel?
is the hotel equipped for business travelers?
2 �h�:yoo�[�vsq�v͋gl��y�accommodation&
�^(u�1) write a letter asking for information about hotels.
2) write a fax to a hotel to book a room.
��n ��teg�����!k͑�p �
ƌ���1 �neg�������v���th�����y�
was the trin crowded?
did you have a good journey?
were you there on business?
���y�weather, hotel&
�^(u�welcome visitors and make small talk.
� n �����s�rǐ�vfu�r;m�r�n,� �
ƌ���1 �fu�r;m�r�vsq͋gl��y�
seminar, trade fair, conference, meeting, exhibition, training course
2) ����s�rfu�r;m�r�v�~�s��y�
a: how was the fair? b: we didn t make any new contacts. it was& /we were very pleased. i think it was&
a: was it a good conference? b: yes, it was. i think it was& .
a: what was the course like? b: it was very hard work. it was& .
a: did you enjoy the seminar? b: we didn t learn anything new. it wasn t very..../i learnt a lot.
�^(u�describe business events.
f[`n,g�����blf[u�1 �
y`n�t�]�vmr4uscq��@b(u�vh����l�2 �
y`n�]�v�vsq͋gl�3 �
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��vuscq�vsq��8^(uh����l�t͋gl
��n ��vsq������t,t�rt�
� n ���l��e���n͋-dm���``�r͋��s(wۏl��eh�\egain��{usǐ�s_
,{asnuscq �]\o�~�s
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 �.^ r�n~b�]\o�2 ����`o�v�]\o�3 ��c��`o�v,{n�n�]\o
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n �.^�n~b�]\o�͑�p �
dear &
�_4y �i would like to know if you can help me. a friend of mine& is planning to go to new york for a year and is looking for a job.
this is his/her background:
��~>\ �i would be grateful if you could help in this matter.
best wishes.
t��̀of�n�~n,�s�b�education and qualification, experience, other information such as languages, future plans&
�^(u�1) write a letter to your friend to ask if he/she can help find sb a job.
2) interview some candidates for a job advertised. read their cvs, ask questions. make notes and decide who seems to be the best of the job.
��n ��c���]\o�t�~�s �!k͑�p �
who did you work for?
what did you do?
did you have to work hard?
how much holiday did you get?
did you enjoy your job?
i didn t enjoy/like the job because it was boring./i had to travel too much.
i liked/enjoyed the job because it paid well./i worked with nice people.
�^(u�1) describe career(including any holiday or part-time jobs) with friends including: education and qualification, training, work,experience, other information (such as languages, future plans). don t forget to take notes.
2) talk about your first job and express your attitude and feeling.
,{as�nuscq �nfo�t�.u
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ��n㉤nfo�2 �����n�t�3 ��c�s�tn��us
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��n㉤nfo��c���n�t �͑�p �
ƌ���1 ��nfo�vsq�v͋gl��y�
furniture show, electronics spring show, cycle show, sporting goods show, gift and stationery show, automobile/motorcycle parts and accessories show; food show, packaging industry show, telecommunications show, textile and apparel show, toy show; electronics show, medical equipment and pharmaceutical show&
2) �t�c���n�t�oo`��y�
what are its special features?
how much is it?/what s the retail price?
can they give us a discount? when can they deliver?
this is our standard model. ��c�� �
it costs $300.
it s suitable for all occasions.
we can deliver from stock.
it s available in red and in large, medium and small.
we can offer a discount of 5%.
�^(u� 1 �book some accommodation for the international cycle show.
2) help your friend find out about a product and decide which to buy.
��n �n��us�!k͑�p �
�^(u�1) practise asking about prices, discounts and delivery times.
2) use information on the order form to complete a fax..
,{as nuscq �n�t�c��
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ��k���n�t�2 �nx�[g}y�v�n�t�3 ��~�q�^��
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��k��fu�t�͑�p �
ƌ���1 ��k���vh����l��y�
a is cheaper than b.
a has a longer warranty than b.
a has a shorter delivery time than b.
a has better technical support than b.
a has a longer money-back guarantee.
a has the cheapest/most expensive/highest/lowest price.
a has the shortest delivery time.
& ..
2) �vsq͋gl��y�warranty, money-back guarantee, installation, delivery time, technical support,on-site service, maintenance, contract, price&
�^(u�1) write a short advertisement for one of your products.
2) compare products based on advertisements.
��n ��~�q�^�� �!k͑�p �
ƌ���1 � �~�q�^���vh����l��y�
let s buy some new chairs.
we could /i think we should have a coffee machine.
2 ��rlq(u�t�vsq͋gl��y�desk, coffee machine, typewriter, notice board&
�^(u�your company is moving to new offices. discuss and decide what to buy to equip an office.
,{as�vuscq �[��
f[`n,guscq���blf[u�1 ����[�2 ��s�q�����3 ��c��ߘ�t
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ����[�͑�p �
t��social customs in business and entertaining guests.
�^(u�read about social skills and cultural awareness in business and entertaining guests and compare your own culture.
�s�q�����!k͑�p �
ƌ���1 ������vsqh�����y�
a: would you like to have lunch next week?
i d like to invite you to dinner next thursday.
b. that sounds nice/that s very kind of you. when exactly?
a. how about tuesday?/ is friday convenient?
b. i m afraid/unfortunately, i ve got to to go head office. i can t make that day&
a: that s a pity. does wednesday suit you?/how about friday at 12:30?
b: yes that s fine/i m free then. i ll look forward to it.
�^(u�1 �make and accept or decline invitations.
2) take a business associate to dinner.
� n ��c��ߘ�t�n,� �
ƌ���1 �ߘ�t�vsq�v͋gl��y�a starter, a main course, a dessert, aubergine, avocado, soup&
2) �c��ߘ�t�v͋gl��y�
it s a local speciality/very popular here/a kind of vegetable& .
it s fairly hot/quite rich/very sweet/salty/spicy/sour/fresh/bitter.
it s (a bit) like&
�^(u�plan a menu for important customers and explain your menu to someone from another group. your menu should have a starter, a main course and a dessert.
f[`n,g�����blf[u�1 �
y`n�t�]�vmr4uscq��@b(u�vh����l�2 �
y`n�]�v�vsq͋gl�3 �
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��vuscq�vsq��8^(uh����l�t͋gl
��n ��vsq������t,t�rt�
� n ���l��k���~ngؚ�~
,{asmquscq lq�s�t�]�s
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 ��c��`o�]�~�[b�v�]\o�2 ��s�]�s�3 �lq�s�bjt
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��c��`o�]�~�[b�v�n�`�!k͑�p �
ƌ���1) �ct�vt{sq�n�n�`�[b�`�q�vh�����y�
have you done& ? yes, i ve (have) done& .
have you had lunch yet? no, i was/ ve been too busy.
2) �]\o�vsq�v͋gl��y�explain the agenda, arrange a meeting, show sb around; read the financial report&
��n ��s�]�s����lq�s�bjt �͑�p �
ƌ���1 ��s�]�s��c�qf�jt�vh����l��y�
watch out! please be careful! stand back, please!
you have to pay attention& . stop! don t touch that! get back.
it s important not to touch the machinery.
it s a safety requirement to wear them& .
�^(u�arrange a day s programme for a visitor: which departments you will show and safety requirement.
( n) lq�s�bjt �n,� �
t����b,t gsqlq�s�vpg�e�t�lq�st�蕄vl�#�0
,{asnuscq � �
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 �yt��2 ��bɋ�t�ik�3) ~b0r㉳q��v�e�l
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n �yt� �͑�p �
i ll(will) send them back. i won t (will not) go yet.
he s coming this afternoon./you aren t seeing her today. you re seeing her& .
�^(u�talk about problems and how to deal with them.
��n � �bɋ�t�ik�!k͑�p �
ƌ���1 ��bɋ�t�ik�vh����l��y�
a: there seems to be a mistake/mix-up./ we ordered a printer and we received a monitor.
b: could i have the order number?
a: let s see. it s 2385.
b: i m very sorry. we ve had problems with out supplier.
a: there s been a delay with the printers (�ʑ�s�v)
b: when can i expect delivery? /it s urgent. i need it by tomorrow morning.
a: i m very sorry. i ll look into it/i ll see what i can do.
2) ㉳q��v͋gl��y�
refund the money, replace the machine, ask the customer to return the machine so that the company can check it, refuse to accept responsibility
i don t know (�); i ll see what i can do. (")
we don t (can t) do that. (�); here s how we handle that. please call or write to& (")
�^(u 1) deal with problems and suggest a solution.
2) write a reply to a complaint, apologize and suggest a solution.
,{askquscq *geg���r
,guscqf[`n���blf[u�1 �\o�q��km�2 ����*geg�3 �9e�s�s(w�v�]\o�e_
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n �9hnc�vh�0�e.si{��km*geg�͑�p �
ƌ���1 �fun;m�r�vsq�vh�����y�
petrol prices will increase/rise/go up/go down/decrease/fall slightly/ slowly/ rapidly/ dramatically. (will h�:y��km)
unemployment, wages, food prices, housing costs, economic information, inflation, interest rates, production, exports, imports, investment&
2) h�:y�[*gegkn�n���[z�^��y�
i m certain it will happen. i expect it will happen. (�[*geg^�8^���[)
it s possible it will happen.(50%���[)
i m sure it won t happen.
�^(u�1 �talk about economy change for next year and explain the reasons.
2 �listen, read and talk about the future trend in any of the following topics: computers, education/training, robots/automation, living standards, working hours, the cost of living; the dollar, credit cards, your job, shopping.
��n �9e�s*geg�v�]\o�e_ �!k͑�p �
�^(u�listen/read and talk about the way we may work in the future.
,{as]nuscq �n�sfu�r�el�
f[`n,guscq���blf[u�1 ��n�n�^�w^�2 ��c�o.^�r�3 � t{"�
�n0 �8h�wƌ�pn�8h�vh
�n ��n��w^�oo` �!k͑�p �
ƌ���1 �h�:y�cp��vh����l��y�
if you re interested in art/shopping/sightseeing, you should& .
2 � gsq�w^�oo`�v͋gl��y�entertainment, restaurants, transport, weather, shopping, sightseeing&
�^(u�work as a city guide and tell a visitor about your city.
�c�o.^�r�!k͑�p �
a: do you want me to get you a taxi?/shall i book you a hotel? /would you like me to pick you up?
b. thank you. that s very kind of you./ yes, please. if it s no trouble.��c�s �
b. no, don t worry. /it s all right, thank you. (iz�b)
�^(u�1) write a letter to a visitor suggesting what he/she might enjoy doing and offering your help.
2) write a thank-you letter/note after your trip.
f[`n,g�����blf[u�1 �
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